New Age Philosophies
The New Age started out as the Christians sect of Arianism but deviated to a more personal religion. Here are seven distinct "sects" that should be given some attention.
Zukavs are those who do not necessarily believe in the existience of Ultimate Reality (or God, or Aria), thus making them similar to agnostics. They believe in the teachings of Gary Zukav and generally do not give any room for error. Normally they are conservative, but some are considered either moderate or liberal.
The Zodians do belive in some form of deity, but they see deity as being of them, as with the rest of the Universe ("We are God"), rather than controlling them. Their teachings derive from various occult practices, including the Tarot, crystals and pyramids. The Zodians also believe in the Earth as a vibration, the Antichrist being in existience, the earth tilting on its axis and the whole world entering a new era -- marked by violent change.
The Gaians believe in the same thing as the Wiccans, only they do not use magick. Their teachings derive from nature-based religion, as with Wicca, and they believe the Earth to be a living, breathing essence (Gaia).
Metaphysical New Agers believe in deity as being an essence that can either "translate as material good" or "guide to higher stages of life." Their teachings derive from either A Course in Miracles or the Metaphysical Bible and they have the same goal as Unity and other New Thought denominations: serving others with the good they manifest and that same ability.
Fantasians believe in the same as Metaphysicals except that while the Metaphysical apply their ability in a religious manner, the Fantasians "play around with magic" and "the Merlin archetype." To the Fantasians, life is all about play and magic is the main toy. Their teachings derive from the fantasy intepretation of the Metaphysical Bible and they see only one objective for their lives: to have fun and possess no worries.
The Sethians believe as with the Metaphysicals except that while Metaphysical New Age teaches God/Aria to manifest during "special prayer" or any other religious method, the Sethians use psychological methods to "create their reality." The Sethians are not "religious" in any manner whatsoever. Their teachings derive from Seth and Jane Roberts, and they prosethylate their philosophy with organizations such as Seth International, although they keep within limits.
This is where the term "New Age seeker" comes from. Here, we find an odd collection of people who believe in various spiritual aspects, all centering on one thing: we are here for a purpose. Native American spirituality, Eastern religions, even Scientology has an influence on the New Age seekers. Some even say New Age seekers have no enrootment or a "spiritual home."
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